Commercial Solar Power

The four key benefits for businesses who install solar power are:

  1. Lower power costs leading to increased profit;
  2. Avoid unexpected expenses caused by increasing electricity prices;
  3. Lower carbon output and meet public demand for environmentally conscious businesses;
  4. Potential tax advantages.

How much can businesses save?

That depends on your business size, premises, and power use. We’ll be able to accurately estimate your power savings after visiting your business, getting on your roof and talking to you about your power usage.

You can also use Business Queensland’s solar savings calculator to estimate your savings. However, our estimate should give you a more accurate figure because it will be based on roof space and orientation which affects how much solar power you can generate.

How you save money

Generally, small businesses and medium-sized commercial enterprises will make the greatest savings.

Here’s how a small business can save money:

  • Reduced grid energy use – These savings are based on reducing your grid energy use to under 100 megawatt hours (MWh) a year. You’ll then be downgraded from a ‘large customer’ to a ‘small customer’ by your power company. Although you can also save money by selling any excess energy you produce back to the grid, Feed in Tariffs are generally minimal. By far your greatest savings will be made by reducing how much power you have to buy.

  • Change the way you’re billed – As a ‘small customer’ you’ll be billed on a flat rate instead of a demand rate tariff. Although this means you’ll be paying a higher rate per kilowatt hour, you’ll save money by avoiding demand charges.

  • Notify your power company – You’ll need to contact your electricity and request the change to a flat rate tariff as soon as your commercial solar installation has been completed and your grid energy usage has been reduced.
  • Await verification – The power company may require 12 months of data to verify your solar power system reduces your grid energy use to under 100MWh per year.

  • Make immediate savings – Even if you’re still classed as a ‘large customer’ while you await verification, you’ll still save money because you’ll be using less grid energy.

  • Consider your future plans – Be aware that if you plan to grow your business in the future and end up using over 100MWh again your business may then be reclassified as a ‘large customer’. This will still result in savings but less than if you’re a classed as a ‘small customer’.

System size

The size of your solar power system will depend on the how much electricity you need to generate, the size of your roof and your investment budget. We can discuss these variables with you and help you work out what system size is best.

We recommend you arrange a free no obligation visit and assessment from one of our experts to get a clear idea of the options

System costs

The cost of installing a solar system will include:

  • Components such as solar panels, inverter, and batteries if applicable;

  • Installation and labour costs such as connecting your solar system to the grid and replacing your power meter;

  • Capital works if needed, such as wiring or structural work.

As well as this initial investment you should also consider maintenance requirements. For example, inverters usually need to be replaced every five to ten years.

Comparing quotes

We recommend you get quotes from several companies and compare them carefully so you understand exactly what you’re paying for.

These are our top tips:

  • Choose an accredited company – Accredited solar companies like Home and Energy have a proven track record for the design and installation of effective solar systems. We work according to the best practice guidelines and codes of conduct established by the Clean Energy Council. In addition, our team holds all the necessary qualifications including a full electrical contractor’s license.

  • Components – As with most products there are cheap and more expensive versions of solar panels, inverters an. batteries. Do a background check on the components you’re being quoted for and make sure they have an office in Australia who can deal with issues should any arise.

  • Product warranties – Check how long the warranties are as cheaper products tend to have a shorter warranty and more chance of breaking down. In the long run it often pays to invest more in quality products with longer guarantees. We’ve carefully chosen to use only premium products by reputable international manufacturers such as Fronius, SolarEdge and Tesla.

  • Workmanship warranty – A reputable solar company will guarantee the quality of their labour with a workmanship warranty. Our five-year workmanship warranty reflects our confidence in our team, our integrity and our competence.

  • Invest in the highest quality products – Every business has a different budget so for most components we supply one or two premium products with an entry level and more expensive option. Our entry level products are definitely not the cheapest on the market. They’re the lowest priced products which still offer good quality and results so we can confidently recommend them to our customers.

Government incentives

Under the government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, most small to medium businesses are eligible for small-scale technology certificates. These contribute to the cost of your solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and are only valid if you use an accredited solar company like Home and Energy.

The Small-scale technology certificates are created once your solar system has been installed. We’ll work out how much you’re eligible for based on the amount of solar energy you’ll be using and deduct that from your quote.

You won’t have to deal with applications or any bureaucracy because we’ll take care of that for you.

Get in Touch

Thinking of going solar in your home or business?

Are you considering going solar and wondering about the best approach for you? Talk to an independent solar expert now. We’ll be happy to offer you a free home visit to discuss your needs and work out a quote. Read what our customers say about us here or see our reviews on Google.