Residential Solar Power

Solar energy is the ideal way to power residential houses on the Sunshine Coast. After a small investment, which will be subsidised by a government grant, installing residential solar power in your home will lead to an immediate and significant reduction of your electricity bill.

These are the steps you need to take to get started:

1Book a free no obligation home visit

Residential Solar Power Installation
The first step is to find out if solar energy is the right choice for you.

There’s endless information about solar power systems on the Internet where you can dig out all the solar facts and figures you need. However, it’s easy to get confused by the jargon as you try to work out what a solar PV system is, how the Feed in Tariff will affect you and what the difference is between grid connect systems and off-grid solar. Quite often people get so confused and over-loaded with information they decide it’s all too hard and miss out on years of savings because they put it on hold.

You may know a friend or neighbour who’s already got solar. If so, we encourage you to chat with them but bear in mind that their situation may be quite different from yours.

To fully understand the impact and implications of solar system installation, speak to an expert who can visit your in your own home.

Only by taking time to assess the aspect of your residential suburb and house, discuss your lifestyle and actually climb on your roof, can a solar installer give you informed advice.

We’ll also explain any relevant solar power tax breaks and grants for homeowners to you when we visit you.

2Work out your needs

During the home visit we’ll answer any questions you have and talk to you about:

  • Your electricity usage – To give you the best advice we need to understand your lifestyle, what appliances you use regularly in your house, when you use them and how much time you spend at home.
  • Savings – With this information to hand and having seen your house and roof we’ll be able to create an estimate of how much you should save on your electricity bill each quarter.
  • Solar system sizing – Factors such as the size of your house, the number of people who live there and your lifestyle all help us decide what sized solar system you should get. We’ll talk you through the different options and give you a price indication so you can start to think about how much you want to invest in solar energy.
  • Battery systems – Due to the relatively high cost of batteries and home battery storage at the moment we don’t usually recommend this option for residential houses. However, we’ll explain the benefits of a battery system to you. Hint: a battery system allows you to use free solar energy at night as well as during the daytime. We’ll also discuss the option of setting up a battery-ready system so you can easily add a battery in the future when it becomes a viable investment opportunity.
  • Excess solar and the Feed in Tariff – Since most residential properties don’t have a battery they can’t save excess solar energy which is created by their panels but not used during the daytime. Energy companies buy this excess power and pay home owners a Feed in Tariff to feed it back into the main grid.

3Get a detailed and fixed quote

Any reputable solar company will provide you with a detailed quotation free of charge.

Your quote should include at minimum:

  • Total system size in Kilowatts
  • How many solar panels will be installed
  • What is the brand, size and model of the panels on offer.
  • Warranty details of the system should be included
  • Whole system price, STC eligibility and the Discounted Price should also be clearly stated to ensure the customer is aware of how this process is calculated
  • Terms and Conditions of sale and installation
  • Government incentives – These will be deducted from the total cost of the system and will be clearly shown on the invoice.

4Organise government incentives

Because we’re accredited solar installers, we can claim the government incentive for you. We’ll advise you on which rebates or incentives you’re eligible for, make the claim and outline it in your quote which will be reduced accordingly. 99.99% of our client assign the STCs to us and claim the upfront discount at the point of sale.

5Install your solar system

In most cases, our team will install your entire solar system in one or two days depending on the size and level of difficulty. Obviously weather can play a part in this and we will maintain excellent communication channels throughout the whole process. We’ll explain how to read your inverter to see how much solar power you’re generating, Shut Down and Start Up procedures and set up your monitoring portal to ensure you can get the best out of your system.

6Start enjoying free power

As soon as the system has been set up and your Retailer has implemented your solar Feed in Tariff (FiT) you can start making use of free, clean energy to power your home.

7Get an excellent return on your investment

With a Return on Investment of 20% there are few investments better than solar power. It easily outperforms property, stocks and share and interest rates. The sooner you install solar power, the sooner you’ll be able to benefit from this investment opportunity.

Get in Touch

Thinking of going solar in your home or business?

Are you considering going solar and wondering about the best approach for you? Talk to an independent solar expert now. We’ll be happy to offer you a free home visit to discuss your needs and work out a quote. Read what our customers say about us here or see our reviews on Google.