Is solar power worth the investment in 2018?2018-08-14T05:39:08+10:00

Absolutely. Solar power offers an excellent return on your investment of around 20%. This far exceeds other investments such as property, stocks and share or interest on savings. To find our more about how much you’ll save once you’ve installed a solar power system please contact us now

Can solar power run an air-conditioner?2018-08-14T05:38:27+10:00

Yes. We recommend you book a home visit for an assessment of your property and energy needs. That way we can make sure your solar power system meets your expectations and provides a good return on your investment.

Can solar panels power a washing machine?2018-08-14T05:37:34+10:00

Yes, they should power your daytime use of dishwasher, washing machine, fridge, freezer, swimming pool filters and air-conditioners.

What’s a solar power inverter?2018-08-14T05:37:02+10:00

A solar inverter is an electrical converter which converts the variable direct current (DC) output of a solar panel into a utility frequency alternating current (AC) that can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network.

Inverters are usually installed on the wall of a garage, hallway, laundry or storage cupboard. They allow you to see how much power is being generated by your solar panels throughout the day, either by reading the inverter itself or by checking online or via an app on your smartphone.

What are the best batteries for solar power?2018-08-14T05:36:26+10:00

We recommend LG Chem and Tesla batteries because they’re both reliable, well-established brands with offices in Australia that offer good warranties and support.

How many batteries are needed for solar power?2018-08-14T05:35:50+10:00

That depends on your property size and energy requirements. We’ll be happy to visit your home or business to work out how many panels you need.  Contact us now to request a free home visit and get an independent appraisal for your unique property and energy needs

How can I store solar power at home?2018-08-14T05:34:28+10:00

To store solar power, you need a battery system. This will allow you to use the energy generated during daylight hours to also power your home or business after dark. Batteries are a considerable investment and we can help you work out if they would be a good investment for you.

We currently recommend that most of our home solar customers choose to install a battery-ready system rather than buy a battery now. That’s because we believe the cost of batteries will come down in the future at which point they will become a good investment.

Contact us to book a free home visit and get an independent appraisal for your property. Then we can help you decide if a battery-ready solar system is right for you or if it makes sense to install a battery system now.

How many solar panels are needed to power a house?2018-08-14T05:33:04+10:00

That depends on your property size and energy usage but usually at least 10 panels are needed. We’ll be happy to visit your home or business to work out how many panels you need. Use our online form to find out more.

Is there a rebate for solar power?2018-08-14T05:32:28+10:00

The Federal Government solar rebate is still in effect and can be explained in this way. Depending on your location in Australia and the size of your system, it will be eligible for a number of credits called Small Technology Certificates or STC’s. For instance, the most common size system installed in homes now is a 5 kW inverter with 6.6kW of panels. The panels of 6.6kW are eligible in 2018 Sunshine Coast for 118 STCs. Each STC has a market value that fluctuates based on the demand for the purchase of STC’s that energy-intensive companies are required to purchase to offset their energy use. Currently, the market value of the STC is at $36 and so 36 x 118 = $4248 which is deducted from the Customers whole system price if the customer elects to sign the STCs over to the Solar Installer who will then claim them to offset the discounted solar price. A customer is entitled not to sign over the STCs and claim them personally, however, the customer will be required to pay the full system price. In 99.99% of transactions, the customer will assign the STCs to the installer and pay for the discounted price.

For an in depth explanation of the STCs see the official government page.

To see how to calculate the number of STCs your system is worth, use the calculator here.

What’s the best solar power system?2018-08-14T05:29:33+10:00

We don’t use any one system but tailor our systems from a range of reliable, high quality components with strong warranties. Because all properties and energy requirements are different we recommend you book a free home visit for expert advice. That way we can work out what’s the best system for you and give you a full quote (LINK!!!).

How much does it cost to install solar power?2018-08-14T05:28:08+10:00

That depends on your property size and energy usage. Prices start from around $4,000 after the Federal Government rebate has been deducted. We’ll be happy to visit your home or business to work out a fixed quote.

How much will I save with solar power?2018-08-14T05:26:01+10:00

That depends on your individual circumstances including roof size, orientation and energy use. For an accurate appraisal on savings please contact us to book a free home visit. That way we can help you correctly assess how much money you’ll save by installing a solar power system.

Get in Touch

Thinking of going solar in your home or business?

Are you considering going solar and wondering about the best approach for you? Talk to an independent solar expert now. We’ll be happy to offer you a free home visit to discuss your needs and work out a quote. Read what our customers say about us here or see our reviews on Google.

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